DGA is proud to add another piece of head gear to our professional line of disc golf apparel. The winter season is approaching as fast as a spike hyzer drive so don't get caught out in the cold without one of these new DGA knit cap beanies. These hats are as stylish as they are functional, coming in both a navy and heather grey color option. These will make a great stocking stuffer for the holidays. This one size fits all knit cap will allow the hard core disc golfers to look good and represent disc golf all year long in any weather conditions. 100% Turbo Acrylic. Machine Washable. Warm and durable soft-knit winter hats! For cooler climates and cooler style. DGA Disc Golf embroidered logo.
Gildan Activewear Ultra CottonT. 6.1 oz. 100% cotton preshrunk jersey. Double-needle collar and bottom hem. Taped neck and shoulders. Quarter-turned to eliminate center crease. Screen printed chest, arms, and back with basket, disc flight, and DGA® logo.
Made with flexible, ventilated mesh material that keeps you cool and dry (100% Polyester). The great look and function of these shirts makes it a must-have for Disc Golfers and Latitude 64 fans.
Finally, a shoe made for the sport! For rugged courses requiring substantial traction. Made of Breathable mesh for cool feet. Great for hiking too. Features comprehensive toe protection, blow-out patch and TecTuff leather on those Disc Golf wear spots.
- Lateral support reinforced TecTuff patch for extra durability
- Virtually indestructible TecTuff toe guard contoured specifically for DG
- Breathable mesh upper for ventilation
- Supportive, comfortable upper for long days
- Technical composite rubber for durability and traction
- Vibram outsole offers light weight, durability, and aggressive tread pattern
- Lightweight mid sole with great cushioning
- Outsole lugs placed for spin control, downhill braking, & uphill traction
Fantastisk DVD af drengene i Tyskland. Reportager fra en del turneringer i 2005; bl. a. rigtig god film fra EM-finalen og sammenligninger af teknikker mellem spillere. Der er også skøre indslag fra dage mellem turneringer - bl. a. med dansk deltagelse ...
This 90 minute DVD features complete coverage of the 2003 US Championship. Spectators witnessed the greatest Disc Golf battle of all time between Ken Climo and Barry Schultz.
Brian Schweberger, Barry Schultz, Steve Brinster and Avery Jenkins. Follow this lead group as they play the final round at the USDGC. Guys on the couch commentary by Billy Crump, Brian Schweberger and Barry. Lots of OB shots and nervous-looking putts interspersed with brilliant shot-making. You see each hole, learn which disc each player is throwing, and get a good feel of the drama -- even though Barry won by a lot. Very very well done.
Comments from one satisfied viewer:
"Wow! I just watched the three hour Worlds DVD and relived the memories! What a super great DVD!! Blair Paulsen and the Alacrity Crew did a great job filming, and John Houck and Brian Sullivan have such fun, lively commentary! And the background music was happening!
The second hour and an half DVD consists entirely of coverage of the Open Pro and Open Women division and the awards ceremony. Everyone from all the divisions who who received a singles trophy is shown with theirs. There are lots of hugs and handshaking!!! Those Open Men and Women sure can throw! It's cool how their drives are analyzed and we get to see them in slow motion. Then the first hour and a half DVD has coverage of the final nines of ALL the rest of the divisions, many interviews with players, scenes shot of the Good Times Party, Field Events, Doubles, Players Meeting, Flymart, the Iowa Feeds the World(s) event, and PDGA Awards Banquet."
05' PDGA Professional World Championships (DVD) - (DVD - Approx. 90Min) - Produced by Media Active Inc, this 90 minute DVD features excellent camera coverage of the 2005 Pro Worlds in Allentown, Pennsylvania, including tons of shots from the qualifying rounds and extended coverage of the Final 9s for the top divisions. Watch as new kids Nate Doss and Matthew Orum do battle in the Finals with the 2 time defending Champ Barry Schultz and the 11 time Champ Ken Climo on the showcase Little Lehigh Parkway course. This DVD shows the viewer what it took to play at the top in 2005.
06' PDGA Professional World Championships (DVD) - (DVD - Approx. 90Min) - On the 25th Anniversary of the PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships, players and fans converged on Augusta, Georgia, seeking answers on disc golf's hottest topics. Would the youth movement continue in disc golf, or would Climo win his elusive 12th World title? Who would defend their 2005 titles and who would contend in 2006? And how would the American Mecca of ball golf welcome this new upstart variation of the 600 year old game of kings? The 2006 PDGA World Championships DVD provides the answers in this 100 minute, TV quality production, brought to you by the same company who produced the 2005 Pro Worlds DVD. See the shots that mattered most, as the drama of claiming a World Championship unfolded in nine professional divisions. This DVD features player interviews, great (and not-so-great) shots of the week, early round highlights, divisional finals coverage, and the crowning of the champions at the awards ceremony.
The Discmania Active Target is a great looking portable target. It has a high visibility yellow band and cage, so you can easily locate the target even in dark conditions. It’s approved by the Professional Disc Golf Association. It’s designed for practice, both outdoor and indoor.
The Active Target has 18 chains that are connected also horizontally to ensure a near-perfect catching experience. This catching solution was first introduced in the Discmania Lite Basket in 2014 and it has become the standard of lightweight training targets.
With the weight of just 15,5 kilograms (34 lbs), the target is easy to carry around despite it being more sturdy than most of its competitors. The Discmania Active Target is also easy to setup, as it takes just a few clicks to assemble and take apart.
Bring your desk to life with the Black Hole® Micro! Standing at just 6.5-inches in height, this Micro disc basket is perfect to stylize your desk while being the ideal size for things such as bottle caps and coins. A great conversation starter, put your love of disc golf and the MVP Brand on full display by adding a Black Hole® Micro to any desk, table, or office today!
It is easy to play and practice disc golf anywhere with this contractible, and portable disc golf basket.
It has a sturdy center pole, durable canvas top, and 16 zinc-coated chains. The tripod base and basket lock into place from a collapsed position for super quick assembly. The weight of the basket is only 10 kg (24 lbs), and a shoulder strap bag is included to make transportation even smoother.
Pick up a ProBasket Go and you are ready to explore disc golf. Let’s GO!
ProBasket Trainer is a solid quality basket for home use that is easily assembled.
Unlike many low priced baskets this has the look and feel of a tournament basket making practice feel like the real deal. It can also be used for temporary courses, where the built in base wheel makes it easy to move. It is PDGA approved for events up to B-tiers.
ROLL-A-CHAIR IS COMFORTABLE! The seat is made with two layers of fabric. One layer is oriented with its strong grain to support around the edge of the seat and the second layer is oriented with its strong fabric grain to support diagonally across the middle of the seat. Together, the two layers give superior support over the entire seat without the center sagging characteristic of other camp chairs. Pressure from your body on the seat is transferred through the arm straps to the fabric back support where your back is suspended away from all rigid back support tubes like that of a hammock. The combination of a two ply seat and a suspended back support makes the Roll-a-Chair comfortable without gaining unwanted weight.
MOST PORTABLE FULL SIZE CHAIR: Roll-A-Chair's unique patented folding back allows the chair to convert into a stool and then fold into a bundle that is only 8% its original size. Roll-a-Chair's design even incorporates its own closure buckle and adjustable shoulder strap for hands free carrying ease. Roll-a-Chair is the perfect companion to all your spectator outdoor events and base camps where you want a lightweight and extra comfortable chair that packs and carries easily.
HIGHEST QUALITY: Roll-a-Chair is made in the USA and all materials are chosen to complement its unique design. The legs are made of special high strength marine alloy 5086-H38 from Scottsboro Alabama and work hardened to a tensile strength of 50,000 PSI. Each leg is also reinforced with a hard-wood dowel at its center hinge. This combination of high strength aluminum and hard-wood dowels gives the legs the strength of steel at half the weight.
Pakken indeholder 6 forskellige Pro Chem farver til dye af discs, pakket i små beholdere.
1 oz. / 29g. DGD118 Bright Yellow 200%
1 oz. / 29g. DGD225 Clear Orange
1 oz. / 29g. DGD360 Pinkish Red
1 oz. / 29g. DGD457 Flag Blue
1 oz. / 29g. DGD770 Meadow
1 oz. / 29g. DGD885 Lilac
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