ÅBNINGSTIDER UGE 7 (10/2-16/2)
Proshoppen i Tune/Greve - Man-Ons: LUKKET!!, Tor: 12:30-17!, Fre: 10-17, Lør: 11-15
Valbyparken ("Discmobilen") - FERIE!!
Disc Caféen - Man-Fre: 11-17, Søn: 10-16

Disc ConnectionLinking Chains
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Hovedgruppe: Undergruppe:
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Model: Plastic:
Prisinterval (hele kroner): - Tilbud: Fly-Dye:
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Golf discs -> DGA
DGA Aftershock  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Midrange
The ProLine Aftershock mid-range disc is the less stable compliment to the Shockwave mid-range disc.

The ProLine Aftershock can handle huge anhyzer lines and still produce a significant amount of fade at the end of its flight. Designed to fly slightly faster and less stable than the Shockwave, you can use the ProLine Aftershock off the tee, or for long range approach shots. This disc can handle any arm speed and sticks to the line that you put it on!

The ProLine Aftershock is a great disc for all players. Try the Shockwave and Aftershock combo today and take your mid-range game to the next level!

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Aftershock  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Midrange
The SP Line Aftershock mid-range disc is the less stable compliment to the Shockwave mid-range disc. The SP Line Aftershock can handle huge anhyzer lines and still produce a significant amount of fade at the end of its flight. Designed to fly slightly faster and less stable than the Shockwave, you can use the SP Line Aftershock off the tee, or for long range approach shots. This disc can handle any arm speed and sticks to the line that you put it on!

The SP Line Aftershock is a great mid-range disc for all players . Try the Shockwave and Aftershock combo today and take your mid-range game to the next level!

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Banzai  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Banzai  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Banzai - DM 2018  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 160 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Breaker  •  Plastic: D-line  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 120 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Breaker  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Breaker  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Hellfire  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Hurricane  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver
The ProLine Hurricane is DGA’s fastest high speed driver for players of all skill levels and the fastest and furthest flying driver in the DGA line up.

It offers amazing glide and can help beginners get some of their longest drives ever! You’ll find this disc effortless to control and unlike many other wide rim discs, the ProLine Hurricane will feel great in your hand to insure proper release.

The Hurricane in ProLine plastic offers superior grip and tack right out of the box. The ProLine model Hurricane is great for all weather conditions and is designed to take a beating over time.

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Hurricane - PFN D´AM Tour 2017  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Hypercane  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Pipeline  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Quake  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Midrange

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Quake  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Midrange

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Reef - PFN  •  Plastic: D-line  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 120 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Reef - PFN  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 160 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Rift  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Midrange

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Rift - PFN  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Midrange

Pris inkl. moms: 160 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Rogue  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver
The ProLine Rogue is DGA’s high speed disc golf driver that combines both control and distance, while maintaining a predictable flight path.

For low to medium arm speeds, this disc works perfect for straight shots that do not require significant fade, and can also be used for long turn-overs. Those with higher arm speeds will notice that the ProLine Rogue is perfect for any flip-to-flat line, narrow tunnel drives, as well as the huge flex shots.

The Rogue in ProLine plastic will be very tacky and provide superior grip in any weather condition. It will reach its intended flight characteristics earlier that when produced in SP Plastic. This ProLine Rogue is ideal for beginners who are looking to throw maximum distance.

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Sail  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Sail  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Squall  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Midrange
The ProLine Squall mid-range disc is a revolutionary mid-range disc with driver like grip and incredible speed.

One of the fastest mid-range discs on the market, you can use this disc to drive short holes, and find the basket on challenging mid-range shots. The ProLine Squall is considered slightly under stable and will hold very long anhyzers, as well as any flip to flat lines. This disc truly is a game changer and will make even then most seasoned players drop their go-to mid-range disc and pick up a Squall!

The Squall in ProLine plastic will have superior grip and will achieve its intended flight characteristics earlier in its lifespan than in SP Line plastic. Try one today and take your mid-range game to the next level!

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Squall  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Midrange
The SP Line Squall Mid-Range Disc is a revolutionary mid-range disc with driver like grip and incredible speed. One of the fastest mid-range discs on the market, you can use this disc to drive short holes, and find the basket on challenging mid-range shots. The SP Line Squall is considered slightly under stable and will hold very long anhyzers, as well as any flip to flat lines. This disc truly is a game changer and will make even then most seasoned players drop their go-to mid-range disc and pick up a Squall!

The Squall in SP Line plastic will be a touch more stable than in the ProLine plastic and will last through years of wear and tear. Try one today and take your mid-range game to the next level!

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Steady  •  Plastic: D-line  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 120 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Steady - LC Challenge  •  Plastic: D-line  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 120 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Steady - PFN  •  Plastic: D-line  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 120 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Steady BL  •  Plastic: D-line  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 120 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Steady BL  •  Plastic: Stone  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 130 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Tempest  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Tempest  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Tempest - PFN  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Titanic - PFN  •  Plastic: D-line  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 120 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Titanic - PFN  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Putter

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Torrent  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Torrent - PFN D´AM Tour 2017  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 160 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Torrent - PFN LC Challenge  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 160 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Torrent LC Challenge  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Tremor  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Midrange

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Tremor  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Midrange

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Undertow  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver
The ProLine Undertow is DGA’s fairway disc golf driver that was designed for increased control. The ProLine Undertow is a complement to it’s over stable cousin, the Tsunami, and can be used for an assortment of different shots! The ProLine Undertow is a straight flying disc that was created to finish flat. This disc truly will hold the line that you put it on and perform beyond expectations.

The Undertow in ProLine plastic will have superior grip and will achieve its intended flight characteristics earlier in its lifespan than in SP Line plastic. The ProLine Undertow is ideal for players looking for a disc with superior control and less stability.

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Undertow - PFN LC Challenge  •  Plastic: ProLine  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil
DGA Vortex - Catrina Allen  •  Plastic: ProLine Swirl  •  Driver

Pris inkl. moms: 160 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil

Golf discs • Stole -> DGA
DGA Tremor  •  Plastic: SP Line  •  Midrange

Pris inkl. moms: 150 DKKVægt/farve: Bestil

Disc Connection I/S, Grevevej 20, DK-2670 Greve, CVR-nr: 29 58 82 01, E-mail: dc@discconnection.dk

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Disc Connection I/S
Grevevej 20
DK-2670 Greve
CVR-nr: 29 58 82 01
E-mail: dc@discconnection.dk